A Parent’s Guide to Helping Shy Kids Socialise

Parent and child outside

As kids grow up, it is important that parents help them forge their social circle. After all, social skills are essential if you want to survive and thrive in the world. However, it is not always easy for kids. Some children make it look easy, knowing that they are comfortable enough to initiate interactions and make friends.

Your kids may not be like them, but do not be frustrated. Understand that not all kids developing their social skills at the same time. It is normal for some children to feel shy and anxious when meeting new people.

What you need to do is to start helping them. Luckily, there are some steps that you can take if you want to help them to come out of their shell a bit. The first rule when it comes to this is you should not force them. Below are some of the things you should keep in mind.

Pointer #1 Encourage them through day care.

There will come a time when you have to let your children attend school or a day care centre. They may show some signs of separation anxiety, but you need to make them understand that it is for the better.

You can tell them that school will help them meet fun kids, too. You should not feel worried, especially if the teacher is capable and has experience handling socialisation activities for children. Look for great schools and early learning centres in Metford.

Pointer #2: Set an example.

Kids always learn by example. They may be shy at first, but if they see that you are gregarious and friendly, they may imitate your actions. But be wary of your actions, as your children may even get to imitate your not-so-desirable ones.

When they ask you about why you are friendly, explain to them the benefits of socialisation (in an understandable way, of course). When you think they have understood you, encourage them to do the same. Let them go out and play with other kids.

Pointer #3: Initiate role playing.

Parent and child talking

Practice makes perfect, and you and your kids can practice socialisation even at home. This is through role playing. For one, you can set up a scenario where they will meet a new classmate (it could be a doll or a stuffed toy).

Teach them what to say to that ‘new classmate’ at their first meeting. Do not call out their wrongs in this situation; otherwise, they will feel much more afraid and shy to meet new ones. Focus on their strengths and the things they have done right.

Pointer #4: Do not pressure them.

Another golden rule that you should not forget is to keep yourself from pressuring your kids. This will do no good, and it will only make your little ones afraid and shier than they are. Be gentle and understanding.

It is normal for some kids to be shy. If you want them to overcome this trait, always be there for there. Encourage without being patronising, and always be kind to your children.


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