Disaster Preparedness Techniques Every Family Members Should Know

disaster preparedness

We never know when disaster strikes. But we can always be ready when any catastrophe appears. Yes, protecting ourselves and our family during calamities is possible and it is greatly essential. We just have to be prepared, keeping ourselves in the know of the various techniques that may be useful when any type of natural calamity strikes.

We may never be able to prevent any form of catastrophe, especially if it is caused by nature. But we can always be ready. For your safety and the safety of your family, here are some disaster preparedness techniques that you can use to keep your family safe despite the dangers posed by tragedies.

Identify Potential Hazards

Different types of calamities can cause different types of damage. Therefore, each type of calamity may require different types of preparedness levels. To be ready for all types of disasters, know first the type of calamities that are likely to occur in your area. When you are aware of the calamities that are likely to happen, you can then create a disaster preparedness plan.

Learn also about the different warning systems and signals used within your community. Is your community going to send you a text message in cases where there is an impending typhoon or whatever calamity? Will the community be using sirens to warn people of impending danger? Knowing all these can help you get prepared and take your family to safety.

Likewise, take time to know the different local organizations that perform rescues and emergency management in your area. You need to know their contact numbers and their other modes of contact so that you can easily reach them if ever you and your family will need immediate help during a disaster. If you can, it is also highly recommended to purchase a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather radio. With this device, you will be able to get official warnings, forecasts, and advisories on impending disasters and other hazards every day.

Be Prepared

It always pays to be prepared for whatever type of calamity that may occur. Before any disaster attacks, you must already have a disaster supply kit comprised of water, at least three days supply of non-perishable food, jackets or coats, a flashlight with extra batteries, prescription medications, a first-aid kit, extra cash, sturdy shoes, dust masks, manual can opener, fire extinguishers, whistles, personal hygiene and many more.

It also helps if you take food hygiene preparation studies so that you can prepare healthy food for yourself and your loved ones in case you get stranded within your home or wherever you are staying when the disaster occurs. Getting some training in first aid and CPR is also a good idea. These skills can become handy during extreme calamities.

Drill and Practice with Family Members

a group of volunteer

Always make it a habit to check your emergency supply kits at least once every three months. Replace food or water that may already be unsafe for consumption. Additionally, update your records of the contact information of emergency personnel or organizations once every three months so you will be sure to get in contact with them when disaster strikes.

Moreover, take time to practice your disaster plan with members of your family. They should be able to keep in mind all the steps they need to take in case a calamity does occur and puts them in a bad situation. Especially when you have children, organizing drills on things to be done during disasters can significantly help protect them.

Teach your children how to call 911 if they ever need immediate help, let them practice where to go and hide in case of disasters, and teach them some possible techniques on how to get out of a certain area if they ever get stuck with danger. Practicing your disaster plan can help each family member get the most chances of not getting hurt during a disaster.

It can also help if you include in your plan a family evacuation scheme. Decide where you and your family can meet if a disaster happens and you are not together. For instance, if there is sudden high-intensity earthquake and it happens that you are at work and your other family members are somewhere else, it can help if you all know where to go to find each other afterwards. This can help reduce the worries of looking for each other.

Make sure to always include your pets in your disaster plan. Do not leave them behind whatever type of calamity strikes.


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