What to Do When Job Hunting Is Burning You Out?

job hunting

In early 2020, the job projection is job seekers will take the driver’s seat in job hunting. Of course, that didn’t come true because millions of people worldwide lost their sources of income when the coronavirus pandemic was announced in mid-March by the World Health Organization (WHO). A year into the pandemic and millions across the globe are still dependent on unemployment insurance, loans, and credit card debts. Just how bad things were? There was only one job opening for every two job seekers back in August 2020.

The world, of course, has gone a long way from the year before. In Singapore, though there are still local small surges in COVID-19 cases, it is poised to achieve herd immunity in half a year or less. In the United States, each of the 50 states is averaging only 500 positive cases of COVID-19 each day. That was a far cry from a year before when the whole country averaged more than 100,000 cases each day.

So, how can you land a job in such a competitive market? You need to find a way to upgrade your skills. You have to carve out another niche for yourself, especially in industries where competition remains very high, such as media and publishing, consulting, business services, advertising, and marketing.

How Do You Know You Are Burned Out?

Job seekers usually feel overwhelmed and stressed by the most simple of tasks. This is a sign that you are experiencing job hunting burnout. The thought of sending another resume can send you into a panic attack. Another sign is poor health. It can be physical or mental health problems. If you cannot sleep and are getting sick more often than before, that can signify getting burned out from seeking job opportunities.

You need to be aware of how you feel. Even rejecting to hang out with your friends because you are afraid that they will talk about their jobs is a sign that you’re not doing well in the job hunt process. When social interactions feel stressful and you get upset over little things, it means you are tired of getting rejected by prospective employers.

Limit Your Hours

You do not have to spend the whole day and week searching for a job. Send a few applications early in the morning and then spend the rest of the day upgrading your skills, expanding your network, and reaching out to colleagues. It is not healthy to spend every waking hour looking for a job. You have to set a limit for yourself. You have to wait for your prospects to call for an interview.

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Give Yourself a Pat on the Back

It can be difficult to give yourself praises when you don’t know what will happen tomorrow. But this is an important part of the process of hunting for a job. How can you “win” each day? After sending in your resumes or attending a job interview, do something that you can accomplish within the day.

It can be career-related such as attending a conference or completing an online training course. Or, it can be something as simple as paying the bills, doing the groceries, and cleaning the house. Fill your days with small accomplishments. It will make such a huge difference.

Don’t Fall in Love With a Prospective Job

You know the feeling. The job seems like the perfect fit for you. It’s near your place and it has a good compensation package. You’ve been eyeing it for a long time, and you were finally called in for an interview. It’s important to be confident about your skills during the interview process, but don’t fall in love too soon with a prospective job. Do that after you’ve received a job offer. When you put all your eggs in one basket, you risk overlooking other jobs that might be better than the one that you’re eyeing.

Let Go of Negativity

Self-doubt is normal when you’re trying to find a job in such chaotic times. Ditch the negativity and focus on the task at hand—to find a job. Doubting yourself has a huge impact on your self-esteem and confidence. This will spill over to when you go for a job interview. The hiring managers will hear that doubt in your voice and the way you answer their questions. Whenever you hit a roadblock, commit to finding a way around it or taking a step back and assessing the next best step.

Finding a job in these extraordinary times will be extra hard. You will find yourself doubting a lot of your choices. There will good times, but there are going to be bad times, too. Maybe the bad times are going to be longer. But if you are confident about your skills and understand the importance of improving your knowledge, you are still in a better place to get the job you want.


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