How to Improve Your Children’s Posture

happy child giving thumbs-up

Good posture means holding a position without putting a strain on parts of your body, particularly the neck, shoulders, and back. And it is vital in children because their muscles are still in development. In other words, they are more prone to deformities. You can see the worst cases on websites such as gofundme, with parents asking for help to afford treatments. That could be prevented if children learn the upright position. The following are the characteristic of correct posture:

  • Having your chin parallel to the floor
  • Keeping your back straight
  • Head being level
  • Shoulders even
  • Placing your weight on your feet evenly
  • Knees pointing straight
  • Arms on your sides

How Children Develop Bad Posture

A weak physical feature won’t stay upright against gravity. This can easily go unnoticed in children and, over time, may become a habit.

How they perform daily routines also plays a major role. For instance, when they play, they might overstretch their muscles, which can lead to misalignment.

Body pain is another factor. Children are likely to choose a comfortable position to reduce pain, even though they are already straining their muscles.

Excessive use of gadgets such as smartphones and computers also have a significant impact on their posture. You know, it is easy to slouch on the chair while playing games.

And lastly, the modeling behavior. Children tend to mimic their parents. If you are constantly hunching over while walking, your kid is more likely to do the same, leading to poor posture.

Why Good Posture Matters

Deformities, be it mild or severe, can affect emotional health. Children might develop low-self esteem and confidence out of a belief that they are different from normal children. Also, bad posture can decrease mobility due to muscle stiffness and pain. This prevents them from enjoying outdoor activities. Basically, posture also influences the quality of their life. Here are some more benefits of good posture:

Muscle Functions

Studies show that good posture allows major muscles to function properly as it promotes easy transport of oxygen to the different parts of the body. Oxygen breaks down sugar, which fuels the muscle cells and tissue. Curling up or crossing legs constantly prevents proper oxygen circulation.

Academic Performance

A proper posture is not limited to physiological movements. It is also very much related to academic performance. The sufficient supply of oxygen in the brain boosts cognitive functions, allowing them to concentrate better. In contrast, poor posture slows down the autonomic nervous system’s functions, leading to irritation and poor memory.

Energy Level

kids running

Incorrect bone and muscle alignment result in muscle stiffness. This causes the muscles to have to work harder, causing fatigue. It is no wonder people with good posture tend to look more tired. Children are naturally energetic, and good posture allows them to move with ease.

Respiratory System

Slouching compresses lungs, making it difficult for children to breathe. Sitting or standing upright expands their lungs, allowing them to transfer oxygen into the bloodstream more efficiently.

Blood Circulation

Prolonged knee and leg bending can cut off blood flow. When that happens, it goes back up to the heart, which pumps harder for the muscles to get enough blood and oxygen supply. Good posture naturally improves blood flow.

How to Improve Your Child’s Posture

Do not wait until your child develops health issues related to poor posture. It is best to teach them early. As they mature, they will remember it strongly and be needing less guidance. Here are some ways you can help improve your children’s posture:

  1. Make the height of the chair appropriate

The correct posture needs to create a state in which the pelvis stands. So it is essential to have a chair that is not too high and not too low. To be safe, get one with an adjustable height. As a rule of thumb, the knee and hip joints are 90 degrees, with the feet on the floor.

  1. Play full-body sports

Balancing major muscles is necessary to develop proper posture. Exercises such as swimming, and sitting and lunges, and gymnastics are recommended.

  1. Walking barefoot in the house

This stimulates the soles of your feet, making them stronger. Therefore, they can hold the weight of the body much better. So encourage your children to practice walking barefoot around the house.

It might be difficult for children to maintain proper posture. But with guidance and constant practice, you can help them turn it into a habit. That alone can contribute to better outcomes and higher success rates in adolescence.


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